different ways to return in badminton

It is actually important to gain the first attack in a rally. If you are serving, you demand to deliver the perfect serve. In ane of the earlier articles, nosotros discussed the various serves in Badminton. If yous want to bank check it out, click here.

Now, let's discuss how to return these serves when you are the receiver.

Remember, the first affair important while returning a serve is yourstance.

More often than not, you will have your legs bend with your non-dominant leg forward and your dominant arm raised to the level of your eye and then that you are ready to hit the shuttle as quickly as possible. Your knees should exist slightly bent so that you are gear up to move in whatever direction.

How to return serves in badminton

Your opponent can serve a high, picture, low, or drive serve. Y'all got to be half gear up for a high serve and half ready for a low serve. Therefore, you've got to be ready to movement aggressively astern or forward to receive and return the shuttle efficiently.

Permit united states of america now discuss how to return each blazon of serve specifically.

How To Return A High Serve In Badminton?

A high serve is executed when you lot desire the shuttle to land at the back terminate of the court. The thought of a high serve is to move you lot away from your base of operations position into the rear end of the court and also minimizes the chances of your attacking play. Does a thought come up to your heed that if y'all are the receiver of a high serve, how volition you render it?

Well, there are various ways in which you can render a high serve. However, your goal should exist to control the rally or at least not give any advantage to the opponent.

Whatever short high serve that does non attain the rear finish of the court is a souvenir and an opportunity to win a rally. You must be very careful with the shot yous choose, equally a wrong shot may lose y'all an advantage. The default return of a short high serve should be a smash. This volition put your opponent under pressure level and will serve as an advantage to you if your opponent is unable to receive the smash.

You tin also hitting a drop, only this can allow the opponent to reach the shuttle faster, which can be a disadvantage for you.

Assuming if you receive a good high serve then there are three shots you can apply to render the service.


The first 1 is a nail. If you are a stiff thespian who is comfortable with smashing, then you can go ahead with this shot. However, you must ensure that you can cover any likely returns from the opponent. You must also exist aware that it takes longer to recover from a backcourt boom. Therefore, it'southward improve to aim at an angle and play the blast with a petty less ability.


The 2nd shot is a drop. A slow driblet from the rear end of the court spends more fourth dimension in the air. This gives plenty of time for the opponent to make up one's mind their options. Therefore, a fast drop would be a ameliorate option. Also, using a chip of deception can delay the opponent in reaching the shuttle. Therefore, they will be forced to play a lift to recover.

Articulate Shot

The tertiary shot you tin can play is a clear shot. It can force your opponent to motion to the rear finish of the courtroom, which gives you some time to recover. This is very important as recovering to your base position can give y'all time to retrieve nearly your side by side best option.

We've learned how to return a high serve in badminton. Now, let's encounter how we can return a low serve.

How To Render A Low Serve In Badminton?

A low serve is when you lot want to evangelize the shuttle near the service line of the opponent. It is usually played in the men's singles and doubles category. Considering that the shuttle moves simply over the net, there are only two possible shots that you can return to your opponent. The shots are a net shot or a lift.

Net Shot

A net shot is the best option to use if yous want to control the rally. Nevertheless, you should be careful that your opponent tin can anticipate your net shot and aim to play a tight net shot in respond. This will possibly give them an advantage.

Despite this, at that place are several advantages to choosing a net shot selection. It prevents a lift that could requite an attack chance to your opponent. When you return a net shot, you can gain a lift which can allow you lot to attack. Using deception can requite y'all an added reward.

However, you must also be enlightened of your strengths and weakness. When playing a internet shot as a return to a depression serve, you must ensure that you can motility to the rear end from this position. If not, your opponent will understand your weakness and volition elevator the shuttle to the rear end of the court.


Using a elevator as a return to a low serve volition give you time to return to your base position and prepare yourself for the side by side shot. However, brand sure the lift is high and aimed towards the rear end of the court. It will also force the opponent to move to the rear end of the court. If the lift is good enough, the opponent will be unable to put some pressure on yous.

If the elevator is loose and low, it will give an attacking chance to your opponent.

One tip for a elevator as a return is to aim it at the extreme backhand and forehand corners of the opponent. This increases the distance the opponent has to travel into their rear court from their base position.

At present, let'south encounter how we can return the flick of serve in the right way.

How To Return A Moving-picture show Serve In Badminton?

A flick serve is a deceptive serve played in the up direction mostly in doubles. To return a flick serve, you must be able to travel to the back of the courtroom as soon equally possible.

So focus on transferring the weight from the front leg to the dorsum leg and move backward hitting the shuttle with a bound. As you lot do not get much time to return the shuttle, lead with the elbow into aforearm rotation, and do not move your shoulder.

The shots with which you can return a shuttle tin be a straight nail or a drop. Aim for an angle and hit the shuttle. Footwork and presence of mind are very essential to return a moving picture serve efficiently. Of course, never forget the maxim, 'Practice makes a human being/woman perfect'.

How To Return A Drive Serve In Badminton?

A drive serve is a service that travels apartment back to the back of the service courtroom. To return a drive serve properly, you volition demand to practice receiving drive serves. 1 thing yous need to continue in heed is to intercept drive serves immediately and then that information technology does non get past yous, forcing y'all to motion backward.

For drive serves aimed at your backhand in your forehand service court, you will need to have your racquet arm behind your caput to hit the shuttle. This is commonly known as the overhead shot.

The most common returns to a apartment drive serve are a flat downward drive or a flat smash. These returns can make you a winner.

When you lot receive a higher drive serve, it can exist either fast or tiresome. If it is slow, you volition accept time to spring dorsum and upwards to intercept and return the serve.

You volition need to respond to these serves in a mixed practice regime where the feeder tin can serve flick serves too. For the motion picture serve yous must movement back immediately, only for the drive serve you must stay intact. Don't move before yous see the shuttle.

Last Thoughts

If you've read this far and understood the basic concepts of returning unlike types of serves in badminton, it is time to put the things that you've learned into practice.

Exercise practise these returns as it will heave your confidence in real-fourth dimension situations. Finally, do not become predictable with your render of serve. If you play the same pattern of returns, your opponent will attain the shuttle faster having predicted your shot.

I hope this article was helpful to you in improving your badminton knowledge. I would really appreciate it if you would be willing to share this article and so that other people can observe it.

Cheers for reading!

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